Health & Fitness

We came, we saw, we worked out! | Fitness & Health Expo Wrap

We came, we saw, we worked out! | Fitness & Health Expo Wrap
[vc_row][vc_column width="1/6"][/vc_column][vc_column width="2/3"][vc_single_image image="3171" img_size="large" alignment="center" css_animation="top-to-bottom"][vc_column_text]Phew! That was a big weekend in Melbourne! We smashed the Melbourne Fitness & Health Expo on the weekend and we were stoked that YOU came out to show your support. It was a three hectic days at Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre. When we arrived the exhibition centre was CRAZY! Full of exhibitors getting ready for the weekend ahead. Check out the making of our stand. Come Friday it was GAME ON! The atmosphere was crazy as customers came from far and wide to check out our brand new gear.
Our burpee challenge was pretty popular. We gave people 30 seconds to pump out as many as they could. Congrats to our daily winners, there is a $50 voucher on it’s way to you!
  • Friday - Shannon - 18 Burpees
  • Saturday - Ricky - 19
  • Sunday - Julian - 17
Our Instagram frame was doing the rounds as well. People were snapping, tagging and selfie-ing (it’s a word). Check out some of the best snaps below:  

WPN at The health and fitness expo! #teamwpn #justbelievefit

A photo posted by Just Believe Fit (@justbelievefit) on

Congratulations to our two winners of the $100 voucher for putting your pics on Insta and becoming part of #TeamWPN.
We'll be honest, by the end of the weekend we were completely exhausted! But it was all worth it knowing we had met so many amazing people and been able to share our passion and our brand with them. We finally had some time to enjoy that quality coffee Melburnians keep talking about (it’s as good as they say BTW) and we had one final important step before we headed home. WPN. Ambassador Anthony Thomas was in town to showcase the new range of WPN. apparel and take some brand new shots of it in action. The photos look AMAZING and we can’t wait to show you the results on the website. Here is a quick sneak peek though :wink:
Until next year Melbourne, thanks for being part of #TeamWPN.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width="1/6"][/vc_column][/vc_row]
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